2023 R2: Non-Numeric Payroll Input

New in 2023 R2 – Non-Numeric Payroll Input

As part of the 2023 R2 updates for payroll, Workday now supports non-numeric payroll inputs for new related calculations. This update allows earnings and deductions to have text, date, and/or Boolean (Yes/No) data factored into payroll calculations.

Input Value Type

The Create Related Calculation displays a new dropdown list, which tells Workday the type of data that can be configured as a Default Calculation or Override Calculation for that related calculation.

Create Related Calculation

When the Input Value Type is Boolean, Workday supports the following calculation types from the calculation engine as the default and/or override calculation for the related calculation:

  • Instance set comparison calculations
  • Instance value comparison calculations
  • Logic calculations
  • Value comparison calculations

When the Input Value Type is Date, Workday supports the following calculation types from the calculation engine as the default and/or override calculation for the related calculation:

  • Build date calculations
  • Conditional calculations
  • Constant date calculations
  • Date increment/decrement calculations
  • Instance value calculations from the calculation engine as the default and/or override calculation

When the Input Value Type is Numeric, Workday supports the following calculation types from the calculation engine as the default and/or override calculation for the related calculation:

  • Aggregate calculations
  • Arithmetic calculations
  • Conditional calculations
  • Constant value calculations
  • Date difference calculations
  • Date extract calculations
  • Instance value calculations
  • Lookup calculations
  • Step-based calculations

When the Input Value Type is Text, an input value lookup table is required for mapping fixed text values to numeric values.

Create Lookup Table Input Value Lookup Table
Create Input Value Lookup Table

Create Earning / Edit Earning / Create Deduction / Edit Deduction

When adding a new non-numeric related calculation to the Effective Dated tab of an earning or deduction:

  • Select the Input Allowed? checkbox
  • Do not select the Aggregate checkbox
  • Select the None of the Above option for Do Not Store / Do Not Store if Zero
  • Do not select the Current and Balances option for Display Current / Current and Balances
  • Do not enter values in Hours for Reporting
  • Select the None of the Above option for Do Not Apply Percentage Splits / Apply Percentage Splits
Related Calculations Menu from Create or Edit Earning or Deduction

Additional Considerations

Pre-existing related calculations will automatically be converted to an Input Value type of Numeric.

You cannot change the input value type or input value lookup table of a related calculation once it has been saved to a pay component.

Non-Numeric input value types do not display on payroll results, payslips, and other reports, but they will be used to calculate pay component amounts as configured.

You cannot use non-numeric related calculations for FLSA earning amounts.

Input Value Lookup Table search and return values must be unique.

If a lookup table snapshot has been used in a payroll input:

  • The snapshot cannot be removed
  • A snapshot with an earlier effective date cannot be created
  • The effective date of that snapshot cannot be changed
  • Existing search and return value pairs cannot be changed

When adding a new snapshot to an input value lookup table, update or end all ongoing and future-dated one-time payroll inputs affected by the new snapshot.

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