Creating Custom Validations for Workday Benefits

Enrollment events for workers and benefit administrators just got a little easier!

In the 2023 R2 update, Workday released Custom Enrollment Validations. This long-awaited feature is a game-changer for your benefit enrollment events. Benefit Administrators now have the ability to build custom conditions to warn or stop users during an enrollment event. Here are some examples regarding how this can be used:

  • Alert workers enrolling in medical plans about possible wait times receiving cards
  • Alert workers enrolling in an HSA that P.O. Box address may not be accepted
  • Alert workers that documentation may be required to verified dependents added to certain benefit plans – you can also prevent workers from adding unverified dependents
  • Alert workers regarding certain benefit perks, such as HSA employer contribution is only received if the employee elects the HSA benefit

What has changed

Previously, conditional rules could only be placed on the Change Benefits, which limited the ability to communicate crucial benefit information. This update provides Benefit Administrators the flexibility needed for more accurate enrollments and a more educated workforce!

Creating the Validations

Custom validations can be configured via the Maintain Custom Validations report. They can be configured on Benefit Coverage Types, Benefit Election or Benefit Employee Enrollment Event:

01 benefit coverage type

Click the New Validation button to create a critical or warning custom validation, customizing the message displayed to workers:

02 validation
03 page alert
Example of an Alert

Additional Report Fields

New report fields are now available – which should spark some ideas on how these validation rules can be used for your organization’s needs.

On the Enrollment Offering business object:

  • Any Attachments on the Benefit Event?
  • Changed Dependents on Coverage Type
  • Dependent Added to Coverage Type
  • Enrollment Offering Type
  • Waived Benefit Coverage Type
  • Changed Benefit Coverage Level or Target
  • Changed Contribution Percent or Amount
  • Enrollment Event for Enrollment Offering

On the Benefit Election business object:

  • Changed Benefit Plan Selection
  • Increased Insurance Coverage

Additional Information

Please keep these validation behaviors in mind when using this functionality:

  • Warnings and errors display when the user clicks the Submit button on the enrollment event
  • You can’t use effective dates for custom validations
  • The Change Benefits and Enroll in Retirement Savings Plans web services don’t support custom validations
  • The Workday mobile app only supports custom validation for critical errors on benefit enrollments. Validations that are warnings don’t display to users on mobile

We are excited about this update and see many potential uses of this new functionality, benefiting Benefit Administrators and your employee population alike!

For users with access to Workday Community, you can review the What’s New post about this update for even more information.

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