Unpacking the New My Tasks Inbox in Workday

What does the ‘My Tasks’ Inbox do?

With the 2022 R2 update cycle, Workday® has released a new feature called “My Tasks” that provides major updates to the Workday Inbox for the first time in years. If your organization is not ready to take on such a significant change, fear not – this is an opt-in feature that requires configuration to deploy.

With My Tasks, Workday has reimagined the Inbox to allow for a more streamlined experience for users who tend to have large amounts of action items within their inbox.

The new collapsible navigation panel still has traditional inbox features like Custom Filters and Sort by Newest, Oldest, and Due Soonest.

screenshot of the new My Tasks inbox in Workday

Additionally, you can:

  • control the display density of the inbox items
  • easily bulk approve items
  • manage delegation directly from the inbox
  • search for specific tasks

We’ll walk through capabilities of each of these features in greater detail below.

In addition to the feature enhancements, My Tasks also comes with a slight layout redesign of the Workday Inbox and allows you to deploy this update by security group. As a result, you can enable My Tasks for all users or only roles (such as administrators) who would most benefit from this feature.

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New Features Highlights

Display Density 
Choose between either Simple or Detailed display densities concerning the preview description of the inbox item.

  • Detailed allows you to see additional information on a task, such as the due date and effect date
  • Simple maximizes the number of tasks a user can see in their inbox at once without having to scroll
screenshot of the display density within the My Tasks inbox in Workday

Bulk Approve
This allows workers to review all inbox approvals that are eligible for bulk approval, select the appropriate processes, and submit multiple approvals at once all from one pop up screen. Workers will have the ability to leave comments or click into the event details to review before submitting for bulk approval.

screenshot of the Bulk Approve screen in Workday

Manage Delegation
Links workers directly to the existing My Delegations report where they can see any delegation settings for themselves and if enabled, enter a new delegation request.

screenshot of the Manage Delegations option in Workday

Search Feature
By far the biggest improvement to the inbox is the ability to search for specific items. Using the search bar, users can find exactly what they are looking for by entering in key words such as the business process type, the subject’s name, or task name.

screenshot of the Search Feature in Workday's My Tasks inbox

For many users, the inbox is at the heart of their Workday experience. If you’re looking to improve that experience for workers in your organization, My Tasks is must add from the 2022 R2 updates.

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