Our Workday 2024 R1 Highlights

Workday® 2024 R1 is here!

We’re proud to present our top highlights for the Workday 2024 R1 release!

Have questions? Don’t hesitate to reach out. The Commit team is available to answer your R1 questions.

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Create Customer Payments/Deposits

Automate process from bank statement lines

Availability: Set Up Required

Level of Effort

Why this is important: This update reduces the manual effort to record payments and deposits and reconciling them to bank statement lines loaded from bank integrations.

Effective 3/9/2024, Workday will automate the process of recording customer payments with remittance advice and customer payments from the bank statement lines

  • Workday will have configurable rules to define eligible bank statement lines to automatically create payments and deposits. 
  • When a match is found, Workday will record the customer payment, create a customer deposit, and mark the deposit as reconciled. If a match is not found, no customer payment and no customer deposit will be created.

Set Up Required: 

  • Create customer payment rule set
  • Link new customer payment rule set to active bank accounts
  • Schedule job for active bank accounts with unreconciled bank statement lines

Note: If no action is taken bank statement lines will not generate any payments

Auto Apply Consolidated Invoices

Automate process to apply payments to consolidated invoices

Availability: Set Up Required

Level of Effort

Why this is important: This update improves finance efficiency by streamlining manual tasks and eliminating workarounds.

Effective 3/9/2024, Workday will allow to automatically apply customer payments to consolidated invoices

  • Workday will enable to apply payments to multiple invoices based on remittance referencing the consolidated invoice number or purchase order number in the Other Remittance Information section or Consolidated Invoice instances.
  • When there’s a referenced consolidated invoice and an amount to pay on a specified remittance line, auto-apply processes the referenced consolidated invoice until the amount to pay is fully consumed.

Set Up Required: 

  • Record Customer Payments with remittance referencing consolidated invoices
  • Create an advanced customer payment application rule

Note: Cross-currency payments and Multi-currency on-behalf-of payments are not supported

Customer Transaction History

Report on history of all transactions for a customer payment

Availability: Set Up Required

Level of Effort

Why this is important: These new report fields on this business object provide further reporting insights:

  • Total Payment Applied: Retrieves the total payment applied during the transaction process.
  • On-Account Amount: Retrieves the amount placed on account during the transaction process.
  • Overpayment Amount: Retrieves the overpayment amount during the transaction process.

Effective 3/9/2024, Workday enables you to report on the history of all transactions for a given customer payment for a specified period, improving your business operations.

Set Up Required: 

  • Build/Edit Reports with new fields (shown below)
  • Business Object: Customer Payment for Invoices
  • Business Object: Customer Transaction History

New Fields

  • Total Payment Applied, On-Account Amount, and Overpayment Amount

Note: If you don’t create a custom report, you will not be able to view the new transaction details of customer payments


Hire Business Process Enhancements

Revamped User Interface on Hire Employee Task

Availability: Set Up Required

Level of Effort

Why this is important: Completing a hire can be a time-consuming task that varies from company to company. With this new update, Workday centralizes pre-hire and recruiter information within the Hire Employee Task. In addition, the ability to control which fields appear based on domain security streamlines the hire process for end-users in a variety of roles.

New Field Groups

  • Information is organized into the following sections: Position, Job Details, Working Time, Academic, and Service Dates.

Un/Hide Fields (Pre-Hire Contact and Recruiter Info)

  • Access to fields can be secured by domain security groups.
  • You can configure optional fields from the hire business process, for example: time type subtype, end employment date, etc.
hcm hire bp 01
hcm hire bp 02

Consent for Personal Information

Active Consent Preferences for Personal Information

Availability: Set Up Required

Level of Effort

Why this is important: Active consent for collection of personal information instills trust amongst the workforce. Moreover, disclosing how personal information will be utilized often leads to higher reporting rates and thus improved data quality.

Consent is an Ongoing Process

  • End-Users can change their PI consent preferences at any time. During onboarding, and through the self-initiated change PI or change active consent preferences tasks.

Configuration and Reporting

  • Fields included, consent statements, and processing details are highly customizable.
  • Worker-based report fields for PI consent preferences can be leveraged in custom reports for HR Admins.
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hcm consent pii 02

Job Profile Business Process

Managing Job Profiles at Scale

Availability: Set Up Required

Level of Effort

Why this is important: Businesses are increasing leveraging job profiles to simplify complexity in their organizational structure. With this exciting update, Workday introduces the Job Profile business process. Standardizing this process in Workday will lead to improved data quality and reduced manual effort.

What does this mean?

  • Designated users can create and edit job profiles within a customizable workflow and approval process, including notifications.
  • Added effective-dated auditing and business process history tab.

Configure Optional Fields in Manage Job Profile Process

  • Hide, require, or secure fields based on security groups.
hcm job profile bp 01
hcm job profile bp 02

User-Based Security Framework

New Workflow Enabled Task

Availability: Set Up Required

Level of Effort

Why this is important: With this update, Workday improves data security across tenants by enabling a configurable workflow of approvals for changes to user-based security. The new comment function allows users to keep track of business needs as they relate to security changes.

Approval Process

  • Assignment of user-based security groups can now be routed to specific security groups.


  • Functionality to report on initiators, reviewers, actions, and comments during each event.
hcm user based security


Worktags on Time Offs

Flexibility with more details for time off requests

Availability: Set Up Required

Level of Effort

Why this is important: This will be hugely impactful for organizations that need to attribute specific details to time off requests to allow for actions such as labor costing, more granular reporting and auditing, and more flexible allocations of resources. Moreover, this will undoubtedly increase efficiency in compliance from a regulatory/statutory perspective.  

Customers with the new Absence Calendar can now attribute the following worktags to time off requests:

  • Cost Center
  • Custom Organization
  • Region
  • Program
  • Grant
  • Gift
  • Business Unit
  • Location

This allows both employees and managers to add detail for absence events, which opens a myriad of possibilities in terms of custom reporting, pay calculations, and the eventual customization of approval routings per worktag. 

abs worktags time offs

Termination Impact on Time Off

Automate the Removal of Time Off after Termination 

Availability: Set Up Required

Level of Effort

Why this is important: Feature releases that automate internal processes obviously increase efficiency and enhance the end user experience. However, the major value here is found in the reduction of internal labor costs due to less manhours used for manually removing these time off requests. Coupled with this, Workday is allowing customers to maintain compliance & accuracy with their time off payouts. 

Prior to 2024R1, many organizations had to manually clean up time off requests that occurred after a termination.

  • Not only did this manual intervention slow down the overall termination process, but it also had a margin of error that oftentimes resulted in inaccurate time off payouts.
  • This also affected rehires; these rehire balances/entitlements could be inaccurate if requests after termination were not removed.

With this release, Workday delivers a Service step that automatically removes invalid time off entries after termination.

  • Note: customers must utilize a rule-based business process for Correct Time Off to fully automate this.
abs term impact time off 1200

Time Tracking

Time Calc Effective Date Support

Apply effective dated changes to Time Calculations

Availability: Set Up Required

Level of Effort

Why this is important: This is quite possibly the most impactful update to Time Tracking in recent memory. Workday is allowing the flexibility to make changes to existing and newly created time calculations as of a desired date (which can align with a pay period). This will reduce the margin of error across other modules (such as payroll) when applying policy changes or making corrections & will also empower customers to understand the timeline of historical changes.  

Workday is finally mirroring the effective date feature found in Absence & Payroll within the Time Tracking module.

  • This allows for easier auditing of historical and future changes to time calcs.

Prior to this, customers needed roundabout methods to apply changes to overtimes, shift differentials, and other time calculations as of a specific date. 

  • This often caused unwanted impacts to retroactive payroll processing.
  • Now, we can mitigate these impacts by choosing the date we want these changes to apply.
tt time calc eff date

Enter Time by Period

Allow Time Entry for Entire Pay Periods in a Consolidated View

Availability: Set Up Required

Level of Effort

Why this is important: A period-based time entry calendar will be found especially intuitive by customers who are on biweekly or semi-monthly payrolls and allow employees to submit by period. Rather than going week to week, users can now enter all their time for the pay period in a simplified view. This will reduce confusion (particularly with semi-monthly periods) about when the cutoff for the pay period is for time entry. 

Workday is creating a new time entry calendar that simplifies the user experience. This will augment the end user experience and speed up the overall time entry process.

  • The new time entry calendar offers a consolidated view of both worked time and time off in an overall period view.
tt enter time by period

Set Default Projects

Simplify Project Tracking within Enter Time by Type

Availability: Set Up Required

Level of Effort

Why this is important: Customers utilizing Projects & Project Tracking will enjoy the enhancement to the end user experience with this feature. By allowing Projects to default on a weekly basis, managers can ensure their teams have a simplified and streamlined time entry process; this will increase efficiency, ensure projects costs are accurate in payroll and financial accounting, and augment the overall employee experience.

With 2024R1, Workday is enhancing the Enter Time by Type task with the ability to prepopulate a Project during Time Entry

  • This will allow for employees who enter hours only quantities to quickly add time for each project they work on per week/period.
  • Enhancing the pre-population of these projects will ease the end user experience with time tracking and allow for a more seamless time entry to payroll process.
  • This can be done on a weekly basis; if projects change weekly, this variation can be accounted for on the back-end.
tt set default projects


Benefit Worklet Deprecation

Workday Retires the Benefits Worklet

Availability: Set Up Required

Level of Effort

Why this is important: Action will be required for many organizations who have still been using the Workday Benefits worklet. Don’t be among those who are unaware of this update! Fortunately, setting up the Benefits & Pay Hub instead does not involve much effort.

(More effort may be involved for global organizations with security considerations or organizations who had a lot more information than normal stored in the Benefits worklet)

Effective 3/9/2024, Workday will no longer include the Benefits worklet on desktop

  • All organizations will need to switch to using the Benefits & Pay Hub instead, a feature which was rolled out in 2022 R2 (more information on the Benefits & Pay Hub is available here)
  • If switching to the Hub, consider removing the existing Pay or Compensation worklets too


  • The Benefits Worklet will continue as is on mobile devices
  • If you’re already using the Benefits & Pay Hub or an entirely custom dashboard for benefits self-service, this update will not affect you
benefit worklet deprecation

Medical Election Decision Support

New tools for users and administrators for medical enrollment

Availability: Set Up Required

Level of Effort

Why this is important: Medical coverage is typically the most important choice an employee makes when enrolling in benefits. Workday’s ability to generate data and provide analytics to employees will be a valuable tool during enrollment, allowing users to make more informed decisions.

For employees:

  • Deliver analytics during enrollment that reflect the choices made by other employees in the previous year’s open enrollment
  • The data they see can be further tailored to only reflect choices made by their “peers” – e.g., provide analytics to everyone in the same management level
  • Workers will see this in a new column in the medical plan list called My Peers Chose

For administrators:

  • Workday will also deliver a new report based on the same data to provide insight into how workers selected their medical plans (also broken apart into the same “peer groups” for clarity)


  • This will only be available for medical coverage, not any other types of plans.
  • Medical coverage here is defined by the “Medical” checkbox on the benefit coverage type
  • The insight data will only be available during Open Enrollment, not other staffing events or qualifying life events


Prior Period Tax Adjustments

Prior Period Tax Adjustment Calculator to reduce manual effort

Availability: Automatically Available

Why this is important: The new Prior Period Tax Adjustment (PPTA) calculator will help to effortlessly calculate tax and wage differences due to retro tax authority changes in completed periods. This provides greater efficiency when adjustment for wages or taxes is needed due to retroactive tax authority changes.

PPTA is accessible through the related action icon of an original completed pay result

  • Select Prior Period Tax Adjustment > Run

PPTA Calculator streamlines processes for retro tax authority adjustments

If multiple pay results need to be adjusted, always start with the earliest completed period first

PPTA can be used anytime you are retroactively adding, changing, or deleting the following for a Worker:

  • Primary home or work state
  • Tax elections for work or home city
  • Local other authority
  • County local taxes
  • Home school district
  • Domicile state

Considerations before using PPTA:

  • If collecting tax that has been under withheld, at least 1 net pay offset code must be created
  • Will not account for any wage and tax balances from completed pay results that occurred after the pay result you are adjusting
pay prior period tax 01

Payroll Insights

Real-time smart tool for reviewing payroll results

Availability: Set Up Required

Level of Effort

Why this is important: Payroll Insights provides a real-time prediction and evaluation tool to analyze payroll results based on historical payroll result patterns. This feature helps to reduce the amount of time and effort spent manually reviewing and identifying payroll exceptions.

Multi-faceted filtering capabilities:

  • Once a pay calculation has been run, the Payroll Insights report will pull predictive pay data
  • Allows easier review of historical payroll results to identify what are true abnormalities and what are not
  • Feedback can then be provided on predicted results to improve accuracy over time

New Tasks:

  • Maintain Payroll Insights Configurations
  • Maintain Payroll Insights Custom Tags

New Reports:

  • Payroll Insights Results Report
  • Historical Payroll Insights Results Report


  • Reference your organization’s subscription service agreement to determine enablement requirements


  • Available for U.S. Payroll only
  • Many new report fields are available on the new Payroll Insight Result business object
pay payroll insights 01

Payroll Third-Party Payments

Generate and Settle Payments for Deduction Recipients of IWO and Court Orders

Availability: Set Up Required

Level of Effort

Why this is important: Utilizing the normal payroll processing and settlement methods, Workday can now identify, process, and produce payments to deduction recipients. Previously, customers were required to handle these payments manually, outside of the payroll process, or rely on third-party vendors to complete the payments. Customers can now produce these payments internally with Check Printing or utilize their existing bank integrations. For clients that are currently managing the maintenance of their IWOs this feature is a time and cost saver.  

Workday can now process payments for IWO and Court Orders:

  • When a pay calc is run, Workday generates a payable item for the line result of the deduction recipient.
  • A new tab is produced on the pay result “Payroll Third-Party Payments”
  • After payroll is completed, the payable will be available to pull into Settlement Run using the new filter “Payroll Third-Party Payments”
  • Payments can be processed electronically via integration or through the print check feature

Previously, customers had to rely on manual processes or third-party vendors to produce IWO and Court Order Payments.

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pay third party payments 02


Workday Docs for Layouts

Workday Docs for Compensation Statement Layouts

Availability: Set Up Required

Level of Effort

Why this is important: As one of the more highly anticipated updates, you can now completely customize your compensation review statements without the need for any outside reporting tools.  Once created, you will be able to more easily make updates to your compensation review statements year over year.

With Workday Docs, you can now create a custom Compensation Review Statement layout within Workday

  • Workday Docs for Layouts is a visual editing tool you can use to design, create, and preview document layouts for use with custom advanced reports in Workday.
  • You can insert data fields and even apply condition rules to any piece of the layout
comp wd docs layout 01
comp wd docs layout 02

Total Rewards Statement Redesign

Design for Increased Customization

Availability: Set Up Required

Level of Effort

Why this is important: The updated design of Total Rewards Statements will allow you to customize how you show employees their compensation. The updated design will allow employees to more easily understand their compensation, and how it is broken out into different components

Redesigned Layout

  • You now can configure section groups that will display on the statement as cards. 
  • Each section group can include lists, tables, and calculated values.
  • You can arrange the cards on the statement in any order that you like.

New “Create Total Rewards Template” task

  • You must create total rewards statement using this new task to update the redesigned statements. 
  • You can continue using the previous tasks if you would not like to update this functionality
comp total rewards 01
comp total rewards 02

Percent-Based Calculated Plans

Manage Complex Percent-Based Compensation Plans

Availability: Set Up Required

Level of Effort

Why this is important: Calculated plans can now be included in salary-dependent Primary Compensation basis calculations for workers managed by Basis Total. New display text for Calculated Plans with ceiling calculations or percentage calculations.

Target Percentage or Ceiling Amount:

  • Manage complex percent-based compensation plans to now configure and report on a target percentage and a ceiling amount for amount-based calculated plans, and process them in Payroll.
comp percent based calc

Dynamic Plan Type Display

Dynamic Compensation Transactions

Availability: Set Up Required

Level of Effort

Why this is important: By only seeing what is relevant to a specific employee when processing a Change Job or staffing transaction, can decrease manual error while also condensing what the processor sees and maximizing efficiency.

Propose Compensation Change:

  • Workday 2024R1 makes it easier to assign employees compensation during the Propose Compensation Change process by displaying only the plan types that are relevant for the employee.
comp dynamic plan type

Grid Profiles for Compensation Review

Grid Configuration Profiles

Availability: Set Up Required

Level of Effort

Why this is important: Flexibility within the Compensation Review Grid Configuration allows Planners to view fields that are more relevant to the participants in the process.

Grid Profiles & Conditional Calculations:

  • Increased flexibility of grid configurations in compensation reviews. You can now configure multiple grid configurations for the same compensation review process.
comp grid profile


Workday Docs for Layouts Expands to Advanced Reports

Increased Customization Options

Availability: Set Up Required

Level of Effort

Why this is important: Creating personalized documents at scale can be a time-consuming and complex task. With this update Workday simplifies the process by enabling advanced report data fields and condition rules in document layouts. The user-friendly editor panel highlights the affected areas as you configure logic into your documents.      

Include Data Fields and Condition Rules From Advanced Reports:

  • Dynamic Data Tab
  • View data fields from your source report that you can insert into text areas and tables.
  • Conditions Tab
  • View condition rules from your source report that determine the visibility of content in your document.
rep docus for layouts

Composite Report User Experience Enhancements

Improvements for Report Admins

Availability: Automatically Available

Why this is important: While composite reports are the most technically difficult report type to configure, they are also highly sought after because of their ability to combine multiple data sources and perform complex calculations.

As a follow-up to last cycle where the visibility of rows was a focus, the centralized menu functionality now expands to columns. This update will reduce time to delivery and maintenance.     

Centralized Column Configuration

  • Updated user interface allows report admins to quickly perform bulk actions on column headings and content.
rep composite report ui

Updated Discovery Boards Configuration Panel

Additional Features

Availability: Automatically Available

Why this is important: The revamped discovery boards configuration panel includes expanded display options and improvements to menu functionality. This update allows report admins to further curate the end-user experience  and optimizes the configuration process.

Show Details and Drill By (Per Viz)

  • Report admins can now customize the fields and configuration of show details and drill by options at the viz-level.

Display Options

  • Take action on all display options including the X-Axis, Y-Axis, and Color elements directly from the configuration panel.
  • Example: making context-specific selections, expanding / collapsing menu
  • Enable data labels on all measures on a viz.
rep discovery board config

Talent & Performance

Dynamic Talent Pool Membership

Dynamic Membership Caching

Availability: Automatically Available

Why this is important: Dynamic talent pools will now be automatically updated with new members that meet the talent pool criteria while removing individuals that no longer fit the criteria. This new update can maximize efficiency to effectively know who is a member of the talent pool without manual intervention.

Frequent Membership Updates

  • Workday 2024 R1 enhances the creation and management of dynamic talent pools by enabling more frequent membership updates from a cache of saved search results, giving you the most current list of members for your talent pool.
talent dynamic talent pool

Save Jobs to Career Hub Plan

Jobs & Career Plan

Availability: Automatically Available

Why this is important: Saving Jobs to a Career Hub Plan can increase personalization within the Career Hub. In the past, users were not able to save these jobs to their Career Hub Plan increasing search redundancy and an inefficient way to Career Plan, with the new release Jobs can be saved to the employee, and they can further apply directly from the Hub.

Career Hub and Talent

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
talent save jobs career hub plan

Gigs Rebrand to Flex Teams

Choose your own Custom Labels

Availability: Automatically Available

Why this is important: Rebranding Gigs to Flex Teams allows further control on customization within Talent. Switch to the new Flex Teams wording or keep a Custom Label to continue displaying Gigs.

Clarity on Value of Gigs & Flex Teams

  • In this release, Workday has rebranded the Gigs product to Flex Teams. The Flex Teams product name provides additional clarity on the value we want to provide to our customers, including those who need more direct team management and oversight when managing flex teams in their organization. The flex teams term better represents the product and its applications, and is easier for customers to understand and communicate to their workforce.
talent gigs rebrand to flex teams


Candidate Rating

Ability to calculate ratings based on chosen criteria

Availability: Set Up Required

Level of Effort

Why this is important: Allows Recruiter to review and disposition candidates quicker within the candidate grid and make informed decisions especially with high volume requisitions.

A candidate’s score is derived by the formula (Data Mapping Score/Maximum Score) x Weightage.

  • Ratings will automatically calculate when viewing the candidate grid
  • Examples of data mapping:
  • Candidate Location
  • Degree
  • Prior Work Experience

Candidate Rating Templates

  • Candidate rating templates need to be manually assigned to job requisitions
recruit candidate rating 01
recruit candidate rating 02

Candidate Conversational Messaging

This update provides two-way messaging between candidates and recruiters

Availability: Set Up Required

Level of Effort

Why this is important: Prior to this update, the recruiter was able to message a candidate via SMS, but Workday did not allow a response back. With this release candidates can now have conversations with recruiters via SMS, improving overall efficiency with candidate communications.

Conversations can involve several team members and a candidate using SMS threads within the context of a job application.

  • Candidates can’t initiate conversations
  • Only a hiring team member can start the conversation
  • Candidates don’t see the role of the message sender in the SMS thread

This also provides cross-team visibility of candidate conversations

  • Reduces the need for 3rd party integrations
  • Reduces the risk of data compliance issues
  • Allow team members to be on the same page with candidates that have applied to other requisitions

Candidates can participate in Candidate Conversational Messaging for SMS if they:

  • Opt-in to receive SMS from Workday Messaging
  • Have a U.S. or Canadian phone number
  • Have at least 1 active job application

NOTE: This update requires purchase of the SMS SKU

recruit candidate messaging


Select Offering Redesign

Updated UI for Learning Admins and Managers

Availability: Automatically Available

Why this is important: The additional information that’s visible on the course offering table and the new tasks available when mass enrolling learners will significantly improve the Select Offering flow.

More relevant information and performance improvements available when enrolling learners in offerings

  • New details are visible in the offerings table, such as:
  • Location! (specific for each offering, rather than the primary location)
  • Attendance Type
  • Availability (merges seats available & capacity information)
  • Cost
  • Version

Ability to mass enroll learners directly into course offerings

  • Additional tasks available on the offerings table UI:
  • Learning Facilitated Enroll
  • Learning Mass Enroll
  • Manager Enroll
  • Mass Enroll by Role
  • Save filters now available for re-use when viewing offerings
learn select offering redesign 01
learn select offering redesign 02

Get Learning Courses Web Service

Simplify mass content creation with data generated web services

Availability: Automatically Available

Why this is important: Previously, it was impossible to use web services to generate an EIB template with data. This made it extremely difficult for clients to make minor edits to courses in mass. Now, with the ability to populate the spreadsheet with course data, it will be much easier to edit learning content. The data will also aid in creating data for inbound integrations.

The new web service allows Admins to generate Excel files from course data to simplify the mass content creation process

  • Generate the Get Learning Course spreadsheet with data to extract course information for blended and digital courses
  • Use the generated template as a model when importing new course data in large volumes

Easily update existing learning content in mass

  • Previously it was impossible to generate the template with data so it was borderline impossible to make minor updates to courses via EIB
  • The old web service would wipe course information unless ALL existing course details were specified in the spreadsheet
  • Populating the spreadsheet with existing data will make editing learning content exponentially easier

Email Analytics for Learning Notification Types

Track delivery and engagement metrics for campaigns

Availability: Set Up Required

Level of Effort

Why this is important: Provide more insight for Learning Admins when tracking learning email delivery and engagement. These metrics will streamline the ability to increase learner participation.

Monitor workers’ engagement with learning campaigns

  • Track email events to identify when notifications are delivered, opened, clicked on, dropped/bounced, or sent to spam

Simplify compliance tracking for required training

  • Provide more information for Learning Admins to track the progress/interaction from workers with learning emails
  • The feature is currently available for student, learning, and recruiting campaigns
learn email analytics


Generate EIB Spreadsheets

Using Data for Bulk Import Web Services

Availability: Automatically Available

Why this is important: Enables the execution of multiple Put and Submit requests asynchronously via the Web service, enhancing overall performance.

EIB Spreadsheet

  • This update focuses on improving the functionality, usability, and performance of the Enterprise Interface Builder (EIB).
  • Empowering users to generate EIB spreadsheets with data through the utilization of Bulk Import web services.
  • The introduction of Bulk Import web services allows for the asynchronous execution of numerous Put and Submit requests, contributing to enhanced performance in data processing.

Reassign Business Process Steps

From Non-Workers Web Service

Availability: Automatically Available
Availability: Set Up Required

Level of Effort

Why this is important:  Web service now supports  enabling the reassignment of business process tasks from a non-worker to another individual. Additional testing may be necessary for this feature, and it could have an impact on your training materials.

BP Step Web Service

  • Enhanced Reassign Business Process Step is now available via Web Service to facilitate the reassignment of business process tasks from non-worker roles to other individuals.
  • Introduction of extended capability to reassign business process steps, allowing administrators to efficiently transfer tasks from one person to another, even if they hold a non-worker role.
  • Task reassignment flexibility now includes roles like academic affiliate, extended enterprise learner, student, and worker, providing a time-saving solution for business process administrators.

Miscellaneous Integration Updates

There are several useful Automatically Available integration updates

Availability: Automatically Available

Why this is important: Workday has made a number of  Automatically available integration updates for different functional areas

Integrations – Integration Force Failure Button

  • Mass Action on Integration Events report now has a new button that can move eligible integrations which are stuck In-Progress to Failed status.

Banking – Accounting Journal Connector  now supports Alternate Ledger Currency in Journals

  • Workday now supporting Alternate Ledger Currency (ALC), where you can generate financial statements for an entity in the local currency under local reporting requirements and the same financials in the functional currency.

Third Party Payroll – Restrict Constrained Security Groups Access to External Payroll Documents

  • External Payroll documents can now be secured with a new Restrict Constrained Security Groups Access based on constrained role-based security groups.

Third Party Payroll – Override Pay Group WID Field Integration Attribute

  • PECI integrations now have Override Pay Group WID Field integration attribute to include pay group WID in summary XML and schema files.

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