Getting Started with the Workday Peakon Free Trial

Employee engagement measures commitment and investment in work and organizational success. It’s more than just job satisfaction; it’s a key indicator of a healthy workplace. Engaged employees are productive, feel valued, and contribute positively to the company culture. However, there are gaps in current workplace surveys.

Workday Peakon Employee Voice has been solving surveying pain points for years – and now you can try it for free.

Workday is offering a $0 Subscription, $0 Service 90-day trial period of Peakon.
Commit is proud to offer $0 Deployment Guidance as well!

Not familiar with Workday Peakon Employee Voice?

Here are 6 Things to Know About Peakon

Requirements for the Workday Peakon 90-day Trial

It’s important to know that the Peakon trial is self-deployed using a pre-configured tenant. To evaluate the effectiveness of this $0 deployment, Workday has a few requests for those who sign up:

  1. Run at least 2 pre-set Employee Engagement surveys within the trial period.
  2. Agree to schedule 2 executive calls with Workday at 30 and 60 days into the program

Although the Peakon tenant is set up to be self-deployed by the client, Commit is here to help by offering deployment knowledge and support.

Fill out the form to get started!

Sign up for $0 Deployment Guidance

We will contact you to schedule a time to launch your Peakon trial

What You Should Know About the Peakon Trial

This is a fantastic, risk-free entry point to the Peakon ecosystem. While you gain access to many features that demonstrate the power of Peakon, not all functionalities will be available.

Here are some of our favorite features you can access during the trial, as well as some top features only available with a Peakon subscription.

Top Features available in the trial

  • Sending Surveys
  • Initiate Confidential Chats with your leader
  • Reporting
  • Benchmarks
  • Segment-Specific Questions
  • Micro-Courses

Top Features only available in the full version

  • External Integrations (Teams, Slack)
  • Comment Translations
  • Text Alerts
  • Segment-specific benchmarks

Our Peakon $0 Deployment Guide will expand on what each feature means to your organization.

What Peakon Users Are Saying

Here is what our current clients are saying about Workday Peakon!


Trupanion hadn’t had a full company survey in almost 2 years, so there was a lot of demand and excitement around employee engagement.

With 1,400 people spanning across different countries, Trupanion found that the Peakon configuration was easy. The heavier lift was around change management and overall trust in employee surveys.

The big surprise came when Trupanion met its stretch goal of 70% participation in the first survey. Before, they were only hitting 45-50%. On top of that, they received 7,000 comments! All of the friction in sending an employee survey was removed.

Here are several highlights that Rachel Mulvihill, Director of Total Rewards and HRIS, liked about Workday Peakon:

  • All the numbers in Peakon. Peakon weights any focus area. For example, Autonomy.
  • Peakon showed that a 1-point increase in autonomy impacts your overall engagement score by .4. This really helps you figure out where you should be focusing your time if you are focused on that top-level engagement score.
  • The Heat Map – Peakon allows you to see by different attributes and it highlights them in red and green boxes. It was helpful for Trupanion to see the green boxes where leaders are doing their jobs well. HR can then go to them and ask how they are creating such happy, healthy teams. For the red boxes, the L&D team can take a more targeted approach to leadership training and coaching instead of boiling the ocean.
“Peakon and Commit already have so many resources available and ready to use that we felt there were very few things we had to custom create. Having really good things already out there lightened the lift for us.”

– Rachel Mulvihill

Director, Total Rewards & HRIS


Even in their early stages of using Workday Peakon, the AmeriVet team already saw a huge difference. So far, they are using their results in a couple of ways.

Using Peakon to analyze employee data at different locations. Since Amerivet has about 200 different offices around the country, this information is invaluable to the HR employees in the field. They can’t be in every practice at one time, so this is a way for them to get results quickly on things that are important to Amerivet.

Peakon also allows Amerivet to examine specific positions and their status, and from there, they can prioritize what needs to be improved and worked on as a company from an HR standpoint.

“It has been a really great experience. Most of the questions we wanted were already in the options in Peakon, which was really cool. It is relatively easy to support from a system administrator standpoint. Very simple and intuitive to set up.”

– Kensie Flores

Director, HR Systems

How to Get Started

The Commit team believes in the transformative power that Workday Peakon Employee Experience can bring to your organization.

Fill out the form to begin your journey. We will walk you through initial deployment steps and give you tips on how to maximize this free trial opportunity from Workday!

Sign up for $0 Deployment Guidance

We will contact you to schedule a time to launch your Peakon trial

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