Check out these Workday Payroll Reports

Workday comes equipped with many useful reports for Payroll right out of the box. In many cases, Workday provides the exact payroll information you are looking for.

We’ve compiled a list of our go-to reports for Workday Payroll – as well as a few Custom Report definitions (and use cases) you can download below!

Custom Reports

Pay Calculation Results – Deduction Register – with Payroll Worktags

Report Type: Advanced Custom Report

What the Report Does

The report returns all payroll result lines that meet prompt conditions, just like the delivered Pay Calculation Results – Deduction Register standard report.

Periods, Pay Run Groups and/or Pay Group Details, and Deduction(s) are required. Payroll Worktags, Payroll Off-cycle Types, Organizations, and Worker(s) are optional.

Use the Copy Standard Report to Custom report task to copy “Pay Calculation Results – Deduction Register.” Add a column for the Payroll Worktags report field on the Payroll Result Line business object.

Use Cases

  • Unlike the delivered Pay Calculation Results – Deduction Register, we reference Payroll Worktags in the report’s sorting, filtering, and prompting configuration
  • This report helps with a more granular review of payroll result lines for statutory taxes
Download the Custom Report Definitions
pay calculation results deduction register with payroll worktags prompts

Payslips to Print

Report Type: Advanced Custom Report

What the Report Does

The report allows you to print all payslips that meet prompt and filter conditions. It is a custom copy of the Payslip to Print – Report Design standard report, but requires a business form layout, which can be configured by following the attached instructions.

Use Cases

  • This report circumvents the limitations of the Mass Print Payslips feature, which only allows you to print multiple payslips for one person at a time
  • Workday saves the PDF of the printed payslips to “My Reports” and the Process Monitor

Note: After configuring the business form layout, you can print the payslips that match the prompt criteria, rather than running the custom report, waiting for the report output to load, and then pressing the Print button at the bottom left of the report’s output.

Download the Custom Report Definitions
print layout prompts

Workday-Delivered Reports

Audit – Negative Wages or Tax (by Worker)

Report Type: Workday-Delivered

What the Report Does

This report calculates whether a statutory deduction and/or at least one of its related calculations has a negative value for the prompted tax year/quarter/company combination. Optionally, you can additionally prompt for specific workers or statutory deductions.

Use Cases

  • We recommend running this quarterly before attempting tax filing integrations
  • If errors are reviewed and maintained quarterly, adjustments can be processed within the quarter
audit negative wages or tax by worker prompts
audit negative wages or tax by worker

View W-2 Box Configuration

Report Type: Workday-Delivered

What the Report Does

This report allows you to view and modify the payroll calculations (earnings, deductions, pay accumulations, pay component groups, and pay component related calculations) that are mapped to each W-2 box for each tax year.

Use Cases

  • Review this report in conjunction with View W-2 Errors, W-2 Preview, and Company W-2 Audit to ensure that the correct payroll calculations sum in the correct boxes
  • For the boxes that aren’t editable, consider the pay component group(s) that factor into the total
  • For example, you do not map specific payroll calculations to Box 1. Instead, you map pay components to Federal Taxable (Do Not Withhold Taxes), Federal Taxable (Withhold Taxes), and the Federal Taxable Reduction pay component groups.
view w2 box configuration prompts
view w2 box configuration example

View W-2 Errors

Report Type: Workday-Delivered

What the Report Does

This report runs validations on W-2 Box totals for the prompted tax year and company/ies. Optionally, you can additionally prompt for specific workers, specific error types, up to a certain payment date in the tax year, and/or payroll results completed at or before a specific time.

Use Cases

  • Identify whether any FICA tax withheld amount is out of balance with reported FICA taxable wages
  • Identify whether any W-2 Box totals are negative
  • Identify whether any boxes have exceeded statutory IRS limits
  • Identify whether Social Security Numbers are blank or invalid
  • Identify whether worker addresses are blank or invalid
view w2 errors prompts

W-2 Preview

Report Type: Workday-Delivered

What the Report Does

This report summarizes W-2 Box totals based on your tenant’s current W-2 Box Configuration, for the prompted tax year and company/ies. Optionally, you can additionally prompt for specific workers, up to a certain payment date in the tax year, and/or up to payroll results completed at or before a specific time.

Use Cases

  • End-of-year, off-cycle corrections are often intended to correct specific W-2 boxes. Test these types of payments in a non-Production tenant, then run W-2 Preview to validate.
  • You may be unsure of adding/removing certain pay components from a W-2 box. Maintain the W-2 Box Configuration, then run W-2 Preview to validate.
  • Review alongside the Workday-delivered W-2 Errors report to better understand the cause of any reported W-2 errors.
w2 preview prompts
w2 preview example

Company W-2 Audit

Report Type: Workday-Delivered

What the Report Does

The reports aggregates data following the format and logic of W-2 Preview, albeit for totals for all completed payments associated with a company.

Use Cases

  • Use this report to reconcile with reports that have data originated outside of Workday
company w2 audit prompts
company w2 audit

Net Pay Validation and Arrears Rules (filter by priority)

Report Type: Workday-Delivered

What the Report Does

The reports summarizes whether partial deductions are allowed, whether arrears are tracked and/or recouped, and what the recoup arrears rules are. The report optionally filters on deductions with or without a priority assigned.

Use Cases

  • Run this report with the Has Priority checkbox unchecked. If any of the listed deductions has ever calculated in your tenant or has a high likelihood of calculating in the future, add the deduction to the Maintain Deduction Priorities task, if it is an employee deduction. Otherwise, you run the risk of seeing errors for negative net for non-manual payments during pay calculations.
net pay validation and arrears rules filter by priority

Tax Filing Periodic/Monthly/Quarterly Data by/for Company/Workers

Report Type: Workday-Delivered

What the Report Does

These reports summarize payroll taxes and their wages related calculations by authority, prompted periods/payment date ranges, and other prompts.

Use Cases

  • The quarterly reports can be run to capture only completed payments, in-progress payments only, or a combination of in-progress and completed payments. This feature is especially helpful for quarter-end or year-end tax adjustments.
  • Multiple of these reports display work and resident PSD codes when running for Pennsylvania local tax authorities, which is especially helpful when troubleshooting employees with 880000 or 990000 PSD codes.
tax filing tasks and reports

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